Stay & Play Sessions at Hampden Children’s Centre and St Pancras Community Association

All 2 & 3 year olds are entitled to a free flu vaccine. The flu vaccine is given as a nasal spray and protects your child against 4 main strains of influenza (flu) predicted to be in circulation this winter.

Why vaccinate? 30-50% of children are infected with flu and can spread the infection for up to 7 days; vaccinating your child reduces the risk of flu for family members, childcare providers and other children.

With COVID-19 in circulation, it’s more important than ever that eligible groups are vaccinated to protect them from flu. The flu vaccine is the best protection from the flu virus.

1. Protect your child. The vaccine will help protect your child against flu and serious complications such
as bronchitis and pneumonia

2. Protect you, your family and friends. Vaccinating your child will help protect more vulnerable family and friends

3. No injection needed. The nasal spray is painless and easy to have

4. It’s better than having flu. The nasal spray helps protect against flu, has been given to millions of children worldwide and has an excellent safety record

5. Avoid costs. If your child gets flu, you may have to take time off work or arrange alternative childcare

Are you eligible for a free flu vaccine?

You can get a free flu vaccine if you:

Ask your GP practice or pharmacist for more information.

Flu vaccine information in other languages 

EnglishEnglish large printAlbanianArabicBengaliBrazilian PortugueseBulgarianChineseEstonianFarsiGreekGujaratiHindiLatvianLithuanianPanjabiPolishRomanianRomanyRussianSomaliSpanishTurkishTwiUkrainianUrdu and Yiddish.

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