Stay & Play Sessions at Hampden Children’s Centre and St Pancras Community Association


Camden Council are thrilled to announce the launch of Camden Dads Online, an exciting new initiative designed to provide fathers and male caregivers across the borough with access to valuable information and training on essential subjects, such as oral health, coping with crying, healthy eating, baby feeding, first aid training, and more.

What sets this programme apart is its flexibility.

Fathers and male caregivers will have the opportunity to join these bi-weekly sessions from the comfort of their homes or wherever they prefer.

All sessions will be conducted online via the Zoom platform, every Thursday evening from:

6:30 PM to 7:30 PM, beginning on Thursday, September 21st.

Fathers or male carers can receive invitations and detailed information about these sessions by registering with Camden Dads.

This can be done by clicking on the following link:


We believe that Camden Dads Online will be an invaluable resource for fathers and male caregivers in our community.


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