Stay & Play Sessions at Hampden Children’s Centre and St Pancras Community Association


Please help choose a Family Hubs logo for Camden by completing this survey before 5pm on Monday 24 April 2023… The survey will only take a few minutes.

A wide range of feedback is needed to help make sure everyone in the Camden community, knows about services available for families. Your contribution is essential and very welcome!


What are family hubs?  

Camden children’s centres and family hubs are transforming the way we are delivering services for families from pregnancy to early childhood and for young people up to 19 or 25 for young people with special educational needs and disabilities.

The programme is funded by the government’s Start for Life and Family Hubs scheme; a system wide approach providing high quality, joined up, whole family support services.

The aim is to make a positive difference to parents, carers and their children by providing a mix of physical and virtual spaces, as well as outreach, where families can easily access non-judgmental support for the challenges they may be facing.

Family Hubs bring together prevention and early intervention work delivered by a wide spectrum of Early Help services including the offer from children’s centres, Health Visiting, School Health, CAMHs, housing, maternity services, libraries, local voluntary service providers and social work.

In Camden, the aim is to develop the Camden Children’s Centre & Family Hubs network, transforming five children’s centres into Family Hubs, with partners forming the network; a hub and spoke model, enabling the LA and partners to work together towards shared outcomes. Priorities for implementation will be informed by the Start for Life and Family Hubs delivery plan.

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