Stay & Play Sessions at Hampden Children’s Centre and St Pancras Community Association



If you answered yes to all of these questions the Young Parents Team (YPT) could support you.

The YPT offers emotional support and help to young dads and mums through individual, couple or family therapy, before and after the birth of their child.


Some of the things that we support people with include: 

The team is made up of experienced workers who are trained in psychological therapies and have expertise in child development and individual, couple and family relationships.


We can help

We won’t make any assumptions about you, parenting can be difficult for everyone. We will listen to you and are here to support you in any way during your pregnancy, following the birth and until your child reaches five. Receiving help from the YPT means you can talk about your experiences and get emotional support for you and your family.


Where do we meet? 

We offer appointments where you feel most comfortable, like at your home, in a Children’s Centre or clinic, you can decide.


If you would like support from the YPT, phone them on 020 7974 8961 or email:

Download the Young Parents Team Leaflet

Contact the Yong Parents Team here


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