Stay & Play Sessions at Hampden Children’s Centre and St Pancras Community Association


Check out listings for events in Camden celebrating  Black History Month.



Rhyme and Story Time with Tyan

“Two curious little spirit people; Kwaku Ananse and Aso Yaa land with a bump on the Earth!”
Join Tyan as she tells a story of why the Earth is filled with children of every colour in her interactive re-telling of “The Fire Children”.

01/10/2022, Saturday, 11.00  – 11.30am, Queens Crescent library
07/10/2022, Friday, 11.00 –11.30am, Swiss Cottage library
14/10/2022, Friday, 11.00 –11.30am, Kentish Town library
25/10/2022, Tuesday, 11.00 –11.30am, Highgate library
28/10/2022, Friday, 11.00 –11.30am, Kilburn library
01/11/2022, Thursday, 11.00 – 11.30am, Camden Town library
11/11/2022, Friday, 11.00 – 11.30 am, Holborn library
18/11/2022, Friday, 11.00 – 11.30am, Pancras Square library
25/11/2022, Friday, 11.30am – 12 noon, West Hampstead library

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