Stay & Play Sessions at Hampden Children’s Centre and St Pancras Community Association


Parents Matter Wellbeing Service

This is a community perinatal peer support service for new and expectant parents living in Camden, delivered by Family Lives. The service supports parents who are experiencing isolation to improve emotional wellbeing. Whether a first child or a new brother or sister, Parents Matter can work with mums and dads during pregnancy and up to 24 months after birth.


How we will support new parents and expectant mothers

The team of locally recruited peer supporters will visit parents in the family home and make contact via text messaging and using MS Teams. They will offer a listening ear to help ease the demands of parenthood. Staff and volunteers speak a range of community languages.

The aims of the service are to:

Get in touch

If you are a professional and know a family who would benefit from this programme or you are a parent who would like to know more, please get in touch by emailing Liliana at or call 07739 788 120.

If you would like to make a referral to this service, please fill out this online referral form.


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