Road Safety Week
New data shows significant improvements in road safety in London since the introduction of 20mph speed limits TFL 13 February 2023 At sites monitored on the Transport for London Road Network (TLRN), collisions involving a vulnerable road user have decreased by 36 per cent, while collisions resulting in death or serious injury have decreased by 25 per cent after speed limits were […]
Child Safety Week
Child Safety Week is the Child Accident Prevention Trust’s annual community education campaign, acting as a catalyst for thousands of safety conversations and activities UK-wide. They help families build confidence and skills in managing the real risks to children’s safety. CAPT want all children to have the freedom to grow and learn, safe from serious […]
Keep Safe Around Fireworks
This information from ROSPA can help to keep you and your family safe this year. Despite annual safety warnings, firework celebrations still end in painful injuries for too many people, including very young children. Yet fireworks can be great fun for families, not just around November 5 (Bonfire Night/Guy Fawkes Night), but also Diwali, New […]
Hot weather and high body temperature during pregnancy from the NCT
Being pregnant during hot weather can be challenging. We discuss the risks of hot weather and high body temperature during pregnancy, and how to beat the heat. Some mums-to-be find being pregnant in hot weather challenging. It’s important to take it easy and stay cool when pregnant. This is especially true during a heatwave when there is […]