Road Safety Week
New data shows significant improvements in road safety in London since the introduction of 20mph speed limits TFL 13 February 2023 At sites monitored on the Transport for London Road Network (TLRN), collisions involving a vulnerable road user have decreased by 36 per cent, while collisions resulting in death or serious injury have decreased by 25 per cent after speed limits were […]
Child Safety Week
Child Safety Week is the Child Accident Prevention Trust’s annual community education campaign, acting as a catalyst for thousands of safety conversations and activities UK-wide. They help families build confidence and skills in managing the real risks to children’s safety. CAPT want all children to have the freedom to grow and learn, safe from serious […]
Be Sun Safe
Staying safe in the sun & keeping cool Babies less than 6 months old should be kept out of direct sunlight. Their skin contains too little melanin, which is the pigment that gives skin, hair and eyes their colour, and provides some protection from the sun. Older babies should also be kept out of the sun […]
Stay Safe at Halloween
Everyone loves a good scare on Halloween, but not when it comes to child safety. There are several easy and effective things that parents can share with kids to help reduce their risk of injury. On average, children are more than twice as likely to be hit by a car and killed on Halloween than […]