Stay & Play Sessions at Hampden Children’s Centre and St Pancras Community Association


Becoming a dad or being a male carer may really change who you are and your lifestyle.


When dads and male carers spend time with their children,and know about children’s development they…
• Have a closer bond with their child
• Talk and play more with their child
• Are more confident as a parent.


Children who grow up with warm, loving, and actively involved dads and male carers…
• Are happy and emotionally secure
• Care and empathise for others
• Do well in nursery and school
• Have better relationships as adults.


Come and play, meet other dads and children and have fun together.

Families are not the same. Whether you live together or apart, all dads and male carers are welcome.

Find out more

Download the Camden Dads leaflet


Contact our Fathers Inclusion Lead to find out about children’s centre services from pregnancy
to age 5.


Free advice and resources to help parents support their child’s talking and understanding.


(Babies cry, you can cope). Information about babies crying and how to cope. Never, ever, shake a baby.
Helpful facts, support, parenting videos and parenting tips.


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