Stay & Play Sessions at Hampden Children’s Centre and St Pancras Community Association


Every day in the UK we will welcome about 2,000 babies to the world. Many of these babies will have happy, stable childhoods, but not all babies are so lucky. Babies’ brains grow rapidly in the first years of life, and their development is shaped by their environments and experiences. Babies are reliant on their parents, and so parents shape most of their early experiences.


The first 1001 days include pregnancy and the first two years of a child’s life. There is clear, evidence that this is a really important phase in your baby’s development and lays the foundation for your child’s future health, wellbeing, learning and even earnings potential.

It sets the groundwork for children’s developing emotional wellbeing, resilience and adaptability; the skills they need to thrive. During this period we can lay a foundation of health and wellbeing whose benefits last a lifetime – and carry into the next generation.


Watch the video here


Multi-coloured infographic of baby brain facts


Your Mental Health

The pandemic has had an understandable impact on new parents mental health. A survey of over 5,000 expectant and new parents across the UK found that:

Mothers responding to the Babies in Lockdown Survey 17 said:

Remember to talk to your health visitor if you are feeling low. You can contact your health visitor during their office hours. You can find out more about them on the Camden Health Visiting and Family Support Service website.


Money worries

If you’ve been struggling financially, especially if the pandemic has hit your finances it can make being a new parent even more difficult.

Mothers of young children living in poverty in Little Village report 28 said:

There is support out there to help. If you are worried about your finances Citizens Advice, Debt Advice Line, Camden Cost of living Crisis Fund and Camden cost of living support pages can help.

White mother kissing her baby who is wearing a blue and white stripey hat and blue coat

Domestic Abuse

If you and your children have been living with or are survivors of domestic abuse this can have a real effect on your lives both now and into the future. Unfortunately, domestic abuse can escalate during pregnancy. Please do reach out for support if you are or think you may be experiencing domestic abuse.


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