Get The Medical Advice You Need With 111

We’ve all heard on the TV and radio just how busy the NHS is at the moment. Calling NHS 111 can help you find the right service for you without even leaving the comfort of your home. NHS 111 online will not give you a diagnosis, but will direct you to the best place to get help […]
Strep A – What You Need To Know

You may have heard the very sad news reports about young children dying from Strep A. Although it is extremely worrying, knowing all you can about it, how to spot it and what to do next will help to keep you and your child safe. What is Strep A? Strep A is a bacteria […]
Free online learning for all the family

Free online learning for all the family – Join our courses for parents of 0-5s Parenting young children can be tough at the best of times and during this strange period in our history it can feel even more bewildering and stressful. That’s why we are really pleased to be able to offer parents various […]
Cost of Living help for you and your family

Everyone is likely to need a bit of help this winter due to the rising cost of living. If you’re struggling to afford the essentials – including food, energy bills or housing costs – or if you’re in debt, help is available. Claim benefits you’re entitled to Help to pay your bills Managing debt Warm spaces and energy […]
Remember to use your £66 pre-payment meter government help vouchers

PayPoint, which runs energy top-up facilities in some 28,000 shops, says only 53% of the 800,000 vouchers it issued in October have been redeemed so far. Meanwhile, the Post Office, which is the only other provider processing vouchers under the Government’s support scheme, says 40% of eligible customers are yet to redeem their first £66 […]
Keep Safe Around Fireworks

This information from ROSPA can help to keep you and your family safe this year. Despite annual safety warnings, firework celebrations still end in painful injuries for too many people, including very young children. Yet fireworks can be great fun for families, not just around November 5 (Bonfire Night/Guy Fawkes Night), but also Diwali, New […]
Stay Safe at Halloween

Everyone loves a good scare on Halloween, but not when it comes to child safety. There are several easy and effective things that parents can share with kids to help reduce their risk of injury. On average, children are more than twice as likely to be hit by a car and killed on Halloween than […]
Flu Vaccine

All 2 & 3 year olds are entitled to a free flu vaccine. The flu vaccine is given as a nasal spray and protects your child against 4 main strains of influenza (flu) predicted to be in circulation this winter. Why vaccinate? 30-50% of children are infected with flu and can spread the infection for up […]
Black History Month in Camden

Check out listings for events in Camden celebrating Black History Month. Including: Rhyme and Story Time with Tyan “Two curious little spirit people; Kwaku Ananse and Aso Yaa land with a bump on the Earth!” Join Tyan as she tells a story of why the Earth is filled with children of every […]
Help with the rising cost of living

If you’re struggling with the rising cost of living you can find out about the range of support available with debt, mental health, accessing food, rising energy bills, finding a job and more at or you can contact one of the organisations in Camden Advice Network – find their details at You can also call […]