Stay & Play Sessions at Hampden Children’s Centre and St Pancras Community Association


Easter Holiday Activities and Food programme 2024

The Camden Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) Easter programme will run from 2 to 12 April 2024. It is open for children and young people aged 5 to 16 who live in Camden and are eligible for free school meals. The programme offers free, fun activities and nutritional education, including: learning to make healthy meals creative […]

Camden’s Warm Spaces

‘Warm welcome’ spaces are available across Camden. You’ll find them in libraries, children’s centres and other community buildings across the borough. Each ‘warm welcome’ space offers something a little different. But wherever you visit, you’ll find a warm and friendly place to enjoy. You’ll also be able to get help and support with the cost-of-living […]

Camden Winter Services

If you are in urgent need of support to access food, please visit Camden’s Find Food website, to find your nearest community organisations providing food near you. You can also call us to discuss your needs on 020 7974 4444 (option 9).   Accessing food banks and community food hubs To access a food bank you may need food […]

The Library of Things – Camden’s festive friend

The Library of Things said: “If you’re thinking about ways to save in the run up to Christmas, renting instead of buying is a great way to keep clutter down and spend less on wasteful purchases. “Whether you need tools to do DIY fixes that will reduce your winter heating bill, are looking to make […]

Cost of Living Payments 2023 to 2024

You may be able to get up to 5 payments to help with the cost of living if you’re getting certain benefits or tax credits. You do not need to apply. If you’re eligible, you’ll be paid automatically in the same way you usually get your benefit or tax credits. This includes if you’re found […]

If you are you struggling to feed you family Camden Foodbank could help

We know that crisis can strike anyone and we also understand how difficult it can be to think about walking through a foodbank door. That’s why our foodbank volunteers aim to welcome everyone who comes to the foodbank with compassion, kindness and a listening ear. “The volunteers at the foodbank were so lovely, they listened […]

Find Food Support in Camden

Our aim is that no child should go hungry, no parent should go hungry to feed their child, and no one should be left struggling and without anywhere to turn. As growing numbers of people need support to feed themselves and their families, we want to make it easier to get help, sharing where you […]

Camden Holiday, Activities and Food Programme (HAF)

The February Half-term holiday activities will take place from Monday 13 February 2023 – Friday 17 February 2023  If you would like to attend an activity: advance registration is required for all sessions drop-in places are not available on the day once you have completed a registration form, your child will be automatically added to the register […]

Cost of Living help for you and your family

Everyone is likely to need a bit of help this winter due to the rising cost of living. If you’re struggling to afford the essentials – including food, energy bills or housing costs – or if you’re in debt, help is available. Claim benefits you’re entitled to Help to pay your bills Managing debt Warm spaces and energy […]

Remember to use your £66 pre-payment meter government help vouchers

PayPoint, which runs energy top-up facilities in some 28,000 shops, says only 53% of the 800,000 vouchers it issued in October have been redeemed so far. Meanwhile, the Post Office, which is the only other provider processing vouchers under the Government’s support scheme, says 40% of eligible customers are yet to redeem their first £66 […]

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